Obtaining Russian visa and work permit as a foreign Highly Qualified Specialist (HQS)
Highly qualified foreign specialists in Russian can benefit from a simplified procedure to obtain visa and work permit.
What are the advantages of obtaining a legal status of Highly Qualified Specialist?
• Reduced waiting time and simplified procedure for obtaining visa and work permit.
• A work permit for highly qualified specialists is issued for up to three years, which is much longer comparing to the standard procedure giving a work permit for twelve months max.
• A foreign specialist does not need to prove his/her knowledge of the Russian language and the absence of infectious diseases.
• HQS’s family members can accompany him/her staying in Russia.
• The tax rate applicable to income of HQS is 13%, while other foreign employees pay 30%.
What are the requirements for the highly qualified specialist status?
A highly qualified specialist is a person who has specific skills or achievements in his/her professional field. The formal requirement to obtain this status is the guaranteed pre-tax salary specified in the contract:
• for teachers, professors, doctors, scientific officers and employees working in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol — at least 83,500 rubles per month;
• for other foreign employees — more than 167,000 rubles per month.
The amount of salary is not taken into account for Skolkovo Technopark residents. Any bonuses and other incentive payments can only be included into the salary, if they can be considered as guaranteed.
An academic degree is not required to obtain HQS status.
A work permit is issued to a highly qualified specialist personally upon the presentation of his/her identity document. It is not possible to obtain a work permit through a representative without personal appearance.
Is the status of a highly qualified specialist applicable to employees working in Russian branches or representation offices of foreign companies?
Branches and representation offices of foreign legal entities are exempt from the obligation to obtain work permits for their employees, so HQS status is not applicable in this case.
What documents are required to obtain a work permit as a foreign highly qualified specialist?
The following documents shall be submitted to the Russian migration authority by employer:
• employer's application with a color photograph of a foreign employee;
• letter of guarantee;
• a copy of the employment contract;
• power of attorney for the employer’s representative;
• state fee payment receipt;
• a copy of a foreign employee's passport.
All documents sent to the migration service (including passport) must be accompanied by a notarized translation into Russian. Alba Translating Company has extensive experience in translating documents to obtain the status of a highly qualified specialist. The experience of our employees will help you to avoid translation related difficulties while obtaining Russian work permit or visa.